Petals to Puddles

Rose of sharon,
Time and time again;
You held the morning dew.
Every single drop beaded down your throat.
Until you’re shaken into a rush of need. Displayed amongst the ear of a girl of sixteen.
Your silken skin withers away.
Gazing at your shrivelled petals to obtain,
We were roses of sharon,
Trimmed away.
Fallen in puddles.

12 responses to “Petals to Puddles”

  1. ryleysatompkins Avatar

    Wanted to post on this lastnight but I was drowning in sleepiness. I feel like active meditation is the most promiment thing practice to avoid this process of yinfully falling together and falling apart and never really finishing any true love, never feeling complete or harmonized.

    In group therapy I constantly remind people that it’s impossible to meditate for most of us, and when they asked how I meditate, I said “I basically run around in circles until I collapse on the floor, THEN I meditate”

    “Until you’re shaken into a rush of need”

    Have to keep spinning right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping back with a rested mind for a comment. 🙂
      Yea, I’m one of those type of people that find it hard to meditate consistently, since I have a loud mind…I’m mostly floating in my imagination. But I try my best to ground myself and look at all kind of methods to mediate. I was reading about this Kabbalah method of gazing at an object to achieve a meditative state and it remind me of when I was younger. My parents had Rose of Sharon bushes. I remember pulling them off near a concrete slab that held water when it rained and petals would fall in the puddles. I would get lost in just looking at every characteristics of the flower without really not thinking about why they were this or that way. I remember it being very relaxing but I might have picked so many for my own needs. The Roses of Sharon were my church in a way
      Your method is interesting. I do find myself pacing a lot sometimes at night. Need to exhaust my energies to exit the mind.


  2. ryleysatompkins Avatar

    Nara, can I ask, how do you change the font color on your wordpress! It should be so simple, but mine is stuck on grey, and I can’t figure out how to change the actual THEME font, as opposed to just the post font colors. :S It should be so simple yet when I search google it seems like the most difficult thing!

    Do I need to get into the source code or something ? If so, Is that even possible from a browser? I apologize for asking it’s just that I can’t find it online after an hour of looking so i’m getting a bit desperate/frustrated ahah


    1. It’s okay. WordPress is not good at giving instructions so well. It frustrates me still and I’m still learning. When you are writing a new post just above there is a tool bar you might have to slide it over. Your looking for a big A with a black line under it. Click on that and this is were you get to pick different colors for your font.


    2. Does this help? Maybe I misunderstood you. I tried changing the color of my titles but it would only work in the body of the poem.


    3. Hector’s four comment seems to fix the problem if you understand plugins and code stuff. Hope this helps. And most likely it is your theme page.


    4. I hope you haven’t gave up? After digging a bit around. I found th
      And you might not have that option because you have a free plan that might be limited. And for you to edit the code or to use the “CSS code” you have to purchase premium. Sorry if I can confused you earlier. Now I know myself.


    1. Thank you, happy you think so.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. At least the flowers turn the puddles to Rose water. Lovely work, submerged in a sadness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, I didn’t think about rose water. Just saw them dead petals in muddy water. You always see the best in everything! Thanks 🙂


      1. I think it’s a strong image of beauty in the muddy water though. At least they float!

        Liked by 1 person

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